This weekend was a breath of fresh air.We went back to the mountains of North Carolina in Boone for homecoming and stayed in an adorable cabin with some of our best friends, Marideth and Adam. As I mentioned, yesterday was Marideth's birthday, so we couldn't think of a better way to celebrate. Our view for the weekend
We got in late Friday and ate a delicious dinner at one of Marideth's favorite restaurants, Twigs. We spent the rest of the night catching up and relaxing in the hot tub on our porch for the weekend. We woke up early Saturday and the boys brought us breakfast. We took our time then headed into town to set up our tailgate. We loved seeing all of the excited ASU fans decked out in black and gold. I love Boone. It's been a while since we graduated, and even still when we come back we can simultaneously feel like it was just yesterday that we were walking around campus, and like it's been ages and everything has changed since we've been there.
We watched our Mountaineers play and win an awesome game, then we spent the rest of the night relaxing at the cabin. {Well, the only hitch was we waited two hours for dinner, but at least we were in good company}.
Life is busy, and we don't see any of our friends nearly enough, so I'm very thankful for the times when we do. It was just what the doctor ordered this weekend. Happy Sunday and I hope you have a wonderful start to your week ahead!

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