Hey There! I know this is not a "glass is half full statement", but I am loving that Wednesday means one day closer to the weekend. Just being honest. ;]
Kids say the darndest things. I love hearing what they come up with on a daily basis. Recently I learned that Benjamin Franklin had a mistress, bigfoot is really real, and fourth graders know the words to gangnam style {and the moves to boot}. Now if that's not education, I don't know what is!
I am also loving all of the PINK products in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
I love this chicken pot pie soup that I tried on a whim last night. We decided it would be even better served with biscuits, so that's on the menu for this evening. You can find the recipe here.
I love this song. I heard it on pandora this week and it just makes me happy. Take a listen...
What are you loving this Wednesday?

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