I am not sure how I came across Julee's blog, but I've been following it for quite a while now. She and her husband went through their own struggles to parenthood, and I was so encouraged by their story and their beautiful girl, Preslee, who is 10 months. I found out last night that Matt, Julee's husband, died tragically in a car accident on Saturday.
Although I have never met the Turner family in person, I cried and cried when I learned what happened. I cannot begin to imagine what Julee and her family must be going through. I cannot fathom her heartbreak. My heart just aches for them.
Please say a prayer for Julee, and her family that God wraps his arms around them and holds them tightly. Please pray for her strength in the coming days, weeks, months, years.
This tragedy is a reminder of how truly fragile life is. Last night I thanked God for TJ and for our family and friends and prayed that He protect us. I feel guilty for taking one moment for granted and vow to make a greater effort to appreciate every.single.day. as each one we are given truly is a gift.
Hold your loved ones a little tighter tonight and please keep Julee and her family in your prayers.
God hath not promised
Skies always blue.
Flower strewn pathways
All our lives through.
God hath not promised
Sun without rain.
Joy without sorrow.
Peace without pain.
But God hath promised
Strength for the day.
Rest for the laborer
Light on the way.
Grace from the trials,
Help from above.
Unfailing sumpathy.
Undying love.

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