Dear Baby,
Hey, sweetie pie! You are 36 weeks 5 days, and you are the size of a of a large head of romaine lettuce. You're weighing in at just about 6 pounds this week! This week you are shedding most of the hair and waxy coating on your skin, which has been there to protect it while in utero. Your cheeks are plumping up and you'll gain about an ounce a day from here on. Your systems are all pretty much working and good to go. You're almost ready, my sweet!
We were originally scheduled to leave tomorrow but the doctors are going to let you stay put for a while longer, so we've pushed our tickets back, too. We are ready to come and get you, but know that you'll come on your birthday, and that will be the perfect time to meet you. Your nursery is just about ready! It's so so exciting. We have poured our love into every detail, as it is the most special room we've ever decorated! I know you'll love it. Here's a little sneak peek!
You're doing an amazing job! Keep growing big and strong and we are counting down the days and minutes until we meet your precious face! We ask God to continue to keep you safe at all times, and that you'll be delivered safely into our arms at the perfect time. You've got a whole village praying for you, and they cannot wait to meet you, either! My darling, you are our miracle and we love you, we love you, we love you, so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Soooo soon! I'm guessing girl! I can't wait to find out!!!
Waiting patiently in Charleston, SC!
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