I was in Vermont and Maine over the past week spending time with family, and didn't get a post up while I was away! Sweet Baby is 33 weeks this week but I want to keep with the update, so doing week 32 today.
First and foremost, we had a little bit of a scare this week. On Wednesday morning, we received the news that A had experienced some abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital for closer monitoring and care. We were told it could be caused by anything from threatened preterm labor to gastric pain or urine infection. I'll skip to right to it and say that everything is okay. A is stable, and her abdomen is relaxed. The tests they ran came back normal, and the scan they did showed our sweet baby is measuring on track with adequate amniotic fluid. They don't have an answer for what caused the pain, but she is still at the hospital, which we are thankful for. The doctors are taking such good care of her and baby, and I am happy A let them know when she felt something not quite right. I also had, and continue to have, a strong feeling that our baby is safe and everything will be alright. I trust that God's got this, and thankful He is working out all of the details. Thank you so much for praying for our little one, and please continue to do so as we head towards delivery. Please pray that our baby remains safe at all times, has everything he/she needs, and is born alive and healthy in our arms at the perfect time.

First and foremost, we had a little bit of a scare this week. On Wednesday morning, we received the news that A had experienced some abdominal pain and was admitted to the hospital for closer monitoring and care. We were told it could be caused by anything from threatened preterm labor to gastric pain or urine infection. I'll skip to right to it and say that everything is okay. A is stable, and her abdomen is relaxed. The tests they ran came back normal, and the scan they did showed our sweet baby is measuring on track with adequate amniotic fluid. They don't have an answer for what caused the pain, but she is still at the hospital, which we are thankful for. The doctors are taking such good care of her and baby, and I am happy A let them know when she felt something not quite right. I also had, and continue to have, a strong feeling that our baby is safe and everything will be alright. I trust that God's got this, and thankful He is working out all of the details. Thank you so much for praying for our little one, and please continue to do so as we head towards delivery. Please pray that our baby remains safe at all times, has everything he/she needs, and is born alive and healthy in our arms at the perfect time.
Dear Baby,
Hi, honey! You are 33 weeks this week, but let's recap your 32nd week since Mama didn't do that sooner. You are the size of a Napa cabbage, and are estimated to weigh about 4.2 pounds!!! You are actually at the hospital now, safely being monitored with A after she had some stomach pain on Wednesday. We are thankful to hear she she's doing great and you are, too. You're measuring right on track and have enough amniotic fluid. This week, all of your major organs are fully developed and working, with the exception of your lungs, which are still maturing every day. You're sleeping 90-95% of the time, and practicing all of your skills that you'll use outside the womb: sucking, breathing, swallowing, kicking and swallowing. Your fingernails are growing long, and the hair on your head is growing, too. We wonder what color it will be? I picture a dark-haired baby, like Mama, but we will see! Maybe you'll take on Daddy's lighter (than mine) locks.
This past week I was on vacation in Maine and Vermont with family. Daddy joined us in Vermont over the weekend with the doggies. It was such a wonderful trip, and it was so nice to spend time with Grandpa Jack, as well as aunts, uncles, cousins, my brother and sister's families and mom and dad. I wish we had more pictures of everybody, but we were all so busy catching up most of the time we didn't think to take many! Living in the city is fun, but spending time away in the New England is something uniquely special. It was hard to say goodbye, but we had a great trip. Everyone is SO excited to meet you, and I can't wait for you to meet them. Next summer we'll have your sweet face to add to this group!
Lots to do this week! The wall is being installed tomorrow to finally make your room an official room (city baby) and we have a huge couch and daybed we need to get rid of asap to use our space better. We switched our stroller choice to the bugaboo donkey at the last minute, and we're excited about it being delivered this week! We are looking forward to putting everything in its place in your sweet room, and to our baby shower in NC which is less than two weeks away!
My sweet, we are counting the days until we meet you. Keep growing big and strong and know how proud of you we are! We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

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