**We haven't left for India yet! I've got some prayer requests today as we count down the minutes until we leave to meet our sweetheart! Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers!**
1- Baby and A are doing great, Thank God! On our update today the doctors did say that the cord is looped once around Baby's neck. This makes me SO nervous, but they said the baby is not in danger or distress, and since he/she is not in head down, ready-to-go position, that by moving will be able to get out of the loop. There is so much we can't control, and I'm just thankful the doctors are on it and watching Baby so super closely.

1- Baby and A are doing great, Thank God! On our update today the doctors did say that the cord is looped once around Baby's neck. This makes me SO nervous, but they said the baby is not in danger or distress, and since he/she is not in head down, ready-to-go position, that by moving will be able to get out of the loop. There is so much we can't control, and I'm just thankful the doctors are on it and watching Baby so super closely.
Please pray that Baby isn't in any danger, and will not have the cord wrapped around his/her neck any tighter, if at all.
Please pray that the doctors will be able to intervene immediately if the baby becomes distressed in any way.
Please pray that mommy and daddy can continue to stay calm and relaxed as we prepare to meet our baby any day now!
2-We don't know when we are going to be leaving for India. We may get a call any day saying A has gone into labor, is showing signs of labor. Or, we will leave a few days before the planned delivery and be there ahead of time. The most important thing is that our baby is born safe and healthy. Every ounce of our beings wants to be there from moment 1, so I pray that is going to be possible!
Could you please also pray that we can get to India in time to see our baby being born? Like I said, the most important thing is getting our baby here safely.
Thank you so much for lifting us all up in prayer! It has carried us through the past 9 months and beyond!
Dear Baby,
Hi, my love! You are 37 weeks 3 days, and are the size of a winter melon this week. At your latest scan on Friday, you were measuring right on track and estimated to weigh right around 6.2 pounds. Some say 37 weeks is full term and others say it's 38 weeks. Either way, you're very very close! Most of your systems are fully operating and mature, but each day you stay in helps you to be healthy and stronger. You're practicing your grasping skills this week and are probably sucking your thumb.
It's hard to believe it's September! We'll officially have ourselves a September baby, and that is amazing. Back on January 1st when we had our embryo transfer in India, we so looked forward to returning in September. And as we've experienced each day since then, we've kept ours eyes on September. At times it seemed like it would take forever to get here and at others it's come quickly. And, here we are! You will be born this month, on your birthday. And that is absolutely incredible. We can't express how excited we are to meet you!
We pray for your safety and that you continue to grow big and strong, getting everything you need from A, who is doing a fantastic job taking care of you. Back home we're getting things all ready for you and can't wait to show you everything! The dogs seem to have an idea that something is going on around here. They try to lay in your room and Sadie seems to think your lovies are also hers for the taking. :) We just know you'll love them, too!
You are doing so wonderfully in there, my sweet. You keep growing big and strong and know that we are counting the minutes until we meet you very soon! You are our miracle baby and we are so so proud of you. We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

I can't believe it's finally time for you all to head to India to meet you precious little one! I know you have been praying and wishing for this moment for so long, and I'm so ecstatic that you've got a whole village of people lifting you up and celebrating each step with you--me included, obviously :) I can't wait to hear how things progress and to hear the joyous news of Baby Guy's arrival! I'm thinking about you guys every day and have my bubbles ready to go whenever the little one decides to make his/her entrance! Love you, sweet friend!
You are almost there! What a blessing and I will have you in my thoughts these next few weeks as you travel and meet your perfect baby! All the best wishes!!!
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