Thank you all so much for following along with us on this most incredible journey. I thought it was appropriate to make a little video message today, since that's how this whole thing got started nine months ago! We are truly blessed and thankful for every single one of you who has prayed for us and sent us love and encouragement along the way. We ask that you continue to pray our baby into our arms! Sending y'all the biggest hug and so much love.
Dear Baby,
Hi, Honey! Well, if you can believe it, we leave for India TOMORROW. That's just about the wildest thing. We are excited beyond words to come and get you, sweetie pie.
When we left for India last December, I had this feeling that our lives were about to change drastically. It was the butterflies in my stomach as we ventured off into the unknown, leaping blindly and hopefully towards our dreams. Now, nine months later, I have that same feeling. Our lives are about the change, in the very best possible way. You are the answer to so many of our prayers. Every tear shed, every aching moment we spent longing to become parents, is worth it. I'd do it a thousand times over again if it meant I could meet you, hold you, know you, raise you and love you. You are truly a miracle and a gift from God. I promise you will always know how loved you are. There angels among you, whom I know are watching over you closely. They are watching over us, too. Every day, twice a day, I see the clock at 11:11. It's something that connects me to your brothers, and lets me know they are okay and watching over us all.
I want you to know that while this has been such an amazing adventure, you are truly our greatest of them all. While I'm sure we will be far from perfect parents, I am certain we will love infinitely. We will figure it out together, and we will cherish every single moment.
There is a song called "I Won't Give Up" by Jason Mraz, and when it plays it really speaks to me. There's a lyric I especially love, and think of you when I hear the words.
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?
I won't give up on us
I think of you because even though you are a brand new baby, I feel as though you've made such a journey to get to us, just as we have to get to you. I believe you know your siblings and that they are helping you make it to our arms. Your soul is undoubtedly wise, as you have already come so far to meet us. We have never given up, and neither have you. We are grateful beyond measure to be your parents.
So, my littlest love, we will begin our journey to meet you tomorrow, and within a week or so, we will have you in our arms. We pray that God continues to keep you safe at all times, and brings you and A safely and smoothly through delivery. We're thankful to our whole wide village who is praying you right into our arms, as well. We're so proud of you, my darling. You keep growing big and strong and know how deeply we love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Margot, safe travels on this, the biggest adventure of them all. All the best to you and TJ and that beautiful baby.
Sending you guys lots of love!! Can't wait to hear that your sweet baby is in your arms!!! Safe travels and take lots of crossword puzzles for that long flight over. I bet you'll be very entertained on the way back! :) xo
Will be sending lots of love and positivity on these next moments!!
Lots of prayers going up for you all!
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