Dear Baby,
My sweet! You are 38 weeks 4 days. Can you believe it? This week you are the size of a pumpkin, which is appropriate as we approach fall! We think you'll be born in the late summer season, as the first day of fall is September 23rd. It's such a special time of year, as your daddy and I met on September 22nd. We got married on September 26th. We love September but even more so now because it's your birthday month!
Making it to 38 weeks is such a gift from God. I have these prayer cards, and each week of your development I move the cards from one stack to the other. It's been amazing to focus my prayers each week and to see the stack we've already experienced grow and the weeks remaining get smaller. Here's what it looks like this morning. Just two more cards left! You are full term, and you can come any day now. (Please wait for us to get there, if you have any control over that, sweetie pie!) We just pray that you make it safely into our arms and are not in danger at any time. We're so close to meeting you-- and that is, you are, a dream come true.

Our bags are packed and we're ready to go! Unless we get word to leave sooner, we will leave on Tuesday! That's just six days from now!
I thought I'd share some pictures of your room. It's just about finished except we are still waiting on the glider to be delivered (any day now!) We also need to add your personal touches to the room with your name and pictures and either some baby blue or gold and pink to go along with the navy and white!
We are beyond ready to meet you, sweetheart! Thank you for doing the most fantastic job. We can hardly wait to celebrate your birthday, whenever that may be! We pray you stay safe and get everything you need until you're placed in our arms, where we will love and protect you always. We are so proud of you! We love you, we love you, we love you, so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Yay!!! Oh my gosh I'm so in love with this nursery--it is absolutely perfect! Just missing one key component ;) Praying for you all as you get ready for your journey! Love you lots!
Love love love his/her room! It's perfect!
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