Dear Baby,
Hi, sweetie! You are in your 31st week! Since your due date moved up, I'm not sure if you are actually in your 32nd week, but we'll just stick with it! This week you are about 17-18 long and weigh somewhere about 3 1/2+ pounds. From now on, you'll gain more weight than height. This week, you are producing real tears! I know that we will be crying so many joyful happy tears when you are born, little love. Your brain is growing at a super-fast rate and so are the connections between nerve cells. You can now process information, track light and perceive signals from all five senses. You're also developing more distinct sleep and wake habits. Your digestive tract and lungs are almost mature, and your lungs are able to inflate properly at this point. You probably spend lots of time making faces, hiccupping, swallowing, breathing, pedaling with your feet and hands, and sucking your thumb.
Here's you this week! We thank God for A and the wonderful team of people taking care of you until we get to you. We are so, so blessed.
Look at that sweet baby bump! We can't wait to meet you!!
We have been VERY busy since last week, but it's helping us feel more prepared. Daddy put together your dresser, so I can finally wash and put away all your precious things! We also picked out your rug, which was delivered yesterday. I can't wait to show off your room! Daddy is going to put your crib together this weekend, now that we have a little more space in your room. We cleaned out our linen closet and just made room in general for our newest and most precious family member. There's still a bit to do, but we're definitely making progress!
One really exciting thing that happened for me is that my milk has started to come in! I have been pumping for about five weeks, and Monday was the first day I saw any milk. (My apologies if this is too much information!) I don't know what our breastfeeding journey will look like, but just know that I'm trying really hard and feel very proud to do be able to do this. I am just in awe of what our bodies are capable of!
Honey, we are just thrilled that we leave for India in 5 weeks and plan to meet you in 6. We're so happy. Literally, I walk down the street humming, and find myself singing aloud as I walk around town. I have been thinking about how there was a time when I didn't know if I would ever feel such pure joy again. And I'm so thankful, and I know our angels are surely smiling down on all of us as we prepare to meet one another in a few short weeks. There isn't one doubt in my mind that they are helping get you here, and what a blessing that is. All this to say that we can't even fathom the abundance of love and joy we will feel when we meet you. It's just incredible.
You are doing such a fantastic job, my darling. Keep growing big and strong! We are so proud of you every moment of every day and are counting the days until we meet you. You are our miracle baby and we love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

That is so cool that you are starting to lactate Margot! I hope this works for you and Baby Guy. (Although, if it doesn't, please don't fret. Babies are raised on formula all the time and are just fine.) I know this is something you really want so I hope it happens. Truly amazing!
Hi there..I am visiting from Bernie's blog and came over to wish you every joy and happiness with your new baby : )
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