Dear Baby,Hey, sweetie! This week you are 30 WEEKS!!! It is such a gift. You are measuring over 3 pounds and from this point on you will gain about a half pound every week. This precious fat will fill your cheeks and also insulate and protect your organs and systems, which are in place and functioning. It will also help you regulate your body temperature after birth and give you the energy you need. Your skin is getting smoother, your brain is getting wrinklier to prepare for all of that growing brain tissue. Your body is now in proportion and you are strong enough to grasp a finger! Your eyesight continues to develop, and will become more and more keen as your grow.
At your 29 week ultrasound last week, you were measuring almost a week ahead, so you're doing amazing! I thank God many times daily for your healthy and pray you continue to grow and thrive, get everything you need, and are born safe and healthy in our arms at the best possible time. At the time of the ultrasound, the placenta was at grade 2, which is on track for where we are in pregnancy. We continue to pray that the placenta provides all of your nutrients and oxygen and that you remain safe at all times! God has beautifully orchestrated this pregnancy and is knitting you together perfectly. We trust that He will continue to protect you and bring your into our arms.
The doctors changed your due date to September 18th, though we expect to meet your beautiful face early in the first week of September. I am just pinching myself that we leave for India in 6 weeks tomorrow! We decided it made sense to stay in our current apartment, which means I am running around like a mad woman trying to get everything ready! Believe me, I am grateful for every second of it. I just can't even think straight, though! There are approximately 137643587 things running through my mind at any given moment but you know what? Not one thing matters except getting you home safely with us. That's it! Everything else will fall into place and if we don't have the rug (+dresser, wall, décor, new living room furniture) ready before you come home, that will be okay. We're going to get to you and you're going to get to us and we can do anything from there. We're so excited to meet you!
This week my parents (your Mimi and Papi) have been here for a visit. We've had lots of fun exploring the city, seeing a play (Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime) shopping, and eating good meals. Your daddy has been in China this week, so he was here for part of their visit, and I'm thankful he comes home tomorrow and that it's his last work trip before you're born! Mimi and Papi went to Quebec for part of the week to see the Rolling Stones, and they come back to NYC today to stay another night. Love having them here and showing them all of your precious things! My dad told me that when he has had dreams about you, you're a girl, and mom said when she finds herself praying or talking about you, she unconsciously says "she". We will know in a few weeks! I tend to still lean towards thinking you're a baby girl, but I definitely still flip flop and think you're a sweet baby boy. It will be the surprise of a lifetime finding out!
You're doing the most amazing job in there, sweet baby. Keep growing big and strong, and know that you are our miracle, our gift from God and we are over the moon excited about meeting you and starting our lives together. We are so proud of you and we love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Oh my goodness! 30 weeks is big! She/he will be here SO soon. I just cannot wait to hear whether it's a boy or girl. It truly is the surprise of a lifetime and worth every waiting moment. I'm thrilled for you guys!!
Yay!! I can't believe you leave for India in 6 weeks!! Sending up lots of prayers for health, peace, safety and gratitude! What an amazing blessing you're about to receive and what an incredible journey you've been on to get to this point...and the best part is, this isn't even the most incredible part! Love you, sweet friend <3
A wonderful update!!!
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