Dear Baby,
Hi, love! You are 29 weeks this week!! That means you're the size of a butternut squash, nearly 3 pounds and around 15-17 inches long. Your muscles and lungs continue to mature, and your head is growing bigger to make room for your growing brain. The part of your brain associated with intelligence and personality is getting more complex. Also, this week your buds for permanent teeth are forming! Your baby teeth buds formed a few weeks ago under your gums. You have an ultrasound this week and we're continuing to pray expectantly that you're growing right on track and getting everything you need!
We are busy bees preparing for your arrival! Every day we put something else together (the stroller and bassinet came yesterday!) and we are counting down the days until we meet you. We leave in 7 weeks and plan to meet you in 8! Our plane tickets have been purchased and we are getting closer everyday to having everything ready. It's not there yet, but things are coming together.
We also went to a friend's birthday on Friday and enjoyed some awesome rooftop views. We celebrated the Fourth of July and had a low key day! We just hung around town and then went to our building's rooftop and enjoyed the nice weather.
We are looking forward to a visit from your Mimi and Papi this weekend! We have lots of fun things planned to do with them, and they are about to burst they're so excited about making the trip to India with us in 7 weeks!
You are doing a wonderful job in there, sweetie! Keep growing big and strong and know how absolutely ecstatic your mommy and daddy (and a whole village of other wonderful people) are to meet you! We are so proud of you, and we thank God for you everyday. We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

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