Dear Baby,Hey, sweet baby. You are 27 weeks +1 day today! This week you are over 2 pounds and about 14 1/2 inches long, the size of a head of cauliflower! You are sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing your eyes, and maybe sucking on your precious fingers. Your lungs are getting stronger everyday, and your brain is super active, with more tissue developing all the time. Apparently this week is a big growth spurt week, and you'll grow an entire inch this week alone! You won't have that kind of growth spurt again until you're a teenager....a LONG way away from now! :) As your lungs continue to develop, you might have hiccups more often. I can't wait to ask A if you've been having hiccups, and seeing them in person will surely be the cutest thing. Your taste buds are very well developed now and you can taste the difference in the food coming your way!
This week, Mama has been in full-on nesting mode. With this being the last week in the 2nd trimester and us now being less than 10 weeks from leaving to meet you, we're so excited! We ordered your crib and glider, which should be here next week. I have been pumping twice a day, and will increase that next week. I've also returned one hospital grade pump for another, and bought a 'hospital strength' pump when I realized that my insurance would not cover it for me. I had lots of frustrated tears on the phone (I felt bad for the poor customer service lady at the insurance company who had to listen to me) as I explained that I was a mother preparing to breastfeed my baby, and she explained that 'never in her 10 years had she seen this'. It made me feel less than, and I wanted to scream because my insurance covers a pump, and because I am not carrying, I do not qualify for it. Anyways, off of my soap box now! I've got all the pumps I need for home and travel, and I'm fully committed to getting you the best start possible.
In other news--We are pretty sure we've got your name figured out! Well, of course we have a boy name and girl name, not knowing which one you are. We spend a lot of time talking about your name, and it's a lot of responsibility naming a human! I'm thankful that it's 'feeling right' and we are confidently moving forward with your name. It's such an important part of who you are!
You and A had an OB visit this week (and an ultrasound which we're waiting on the report) but the OB visit went great and you're measuring right on track! A is gaining weight healthily and thank God, all looks wonderful. We are going to buy our plane tickets in the next few days, and Daddy has been spending lots of time researching the best options.
You're doing such a wonderful job, sweetie, and we are so proud of you. You keep growing big and strong and know how excited the whole wide world is to meet you in about 10 weeks! We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

1 comment:
Congratulations on your pregnancy! It's is good to know that everything is doing great, and that you and the baby are really healthy. Also, it's nice that you have insurance that will cover some of your bills and expenses. That is such a big relief, right? In any way, thanks for sharing that, Margot! I'm wishing you a safe pregnancy and delivery. All the best!
Donnie White @ Good Health Quotes
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