*Hey, Everybody! Please continue to pray for our little baby! This week we are waiting on the echo heart ultrasound, to look closely at baby's heart. Please pray our baby's heart is perfectly healthy and everything is completely normal. I feel as though it is, and just want to ask for prayers every step of the way! Thank you, thank you, thank you!*
Dear Baby,
Hey, darling. This week, at 25 weeks, you are about 13 inches and 1 1/2 pounds. Your hair is growing in color and texture, and your body is packing on more fat and muscles. Your senses continue to develop and become more sophisticated. You're doing such a wonderful job!
This past week was really sweet. On Friday, we went to dinner at PJ Clarke's and then to Empire rooftop to take advantage of the beautiful weather.

Then, on Saturday, we went to register! Now, this may seem like an exciting, albeit expected activity to do during pregnancy. For us, though, it is something we have never done. It was really surreal, and very precious. Afterwards, Daddy and I stopped and watched American Pharaoh win the triple crown. We went to the Boat house for dinner and he said that today felt like the day of impossibilities with those two events. Improbable, but now very much real!
Then, on Tuesday, I went in to meet my sweet co-worker and friend, Kate, for what I thought was a morning meeting. She had {beautifully} and secretly organized a surprise shower for us and another expecting mama! I can't even tell you my surprise. As soon as I walked in the door and saw so many colleagues standing there, smiling, I realized that they were there for us. Happy tears were shed immediately, as I was so deeply moved by the beautiful gesture. I also realized I was in tears because, again, I've never experienced that before. And, because there are not physical reminders there, being able to celebrate you like that was just beautiful. You're so loved, sweet baby, and your mama is so grateful.
On another school-related, cute note, telling students we are expecting has been sweet and interesting! They look at me, look at my belly, look at me again quizzically. I've heard "but I don't see the baby!" and "When is the baby coming? September! Your're just telling us now?" They are very sweet and happy for us and also probably a little confused. I didn't get into the whole thing and just pretty much told them "We're having a baby! Have a great day!" :)Tomorrow is the last day of the school year, and what a year it's been! Then comes my next full time job, which is preparing to meet you, my love!
Keep growing big and strong, my darling baby. You are the most precious gift and we are so proud of you. We love you, we love you, we love you, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

Love love love everything about this!
One week closer! Prayers and good thoughts for a perfect report from your babies doctor!
Oh my goodness. New follower! I love the format you use for your bump updates! I love the idea of writing a letter to baby each week! I've been doing the standard questionnaire, but I may need to copy this idea when it's time for round 2! Praying for your sweet baby's heart!
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