You are nine months, doll baby! (As I write this you are almost ten months, but I'm trying hard to keep up!)
At nine months, you are weighing in at 14 lbs, 14 oz, and are 26 inches long. You're in the 2nd percentile for weight and 8th for height. You're wearing 3-6 month and some 6-9/12 month clothing. You're in size 2 diapers. You're our perfect little peanut, and we are so proud of how you're growing!
From months 8-9, you went to Mexico (see previous post), and Vermont for a quick weekend. You celebrated Father's Day with Daddy, which was so special.
Oh, we bought a car this month! We sold both cars when we moved to NYC so it is fun to have a little more freedom to get out of the city as we please now. Daddy wasn't too fond of you sitting behind the driver's seat, though! Don't grow up too fast, baby girl!
You tried all kinds of new foods, and discovered your love for melon! You're our good eater and love anything we put in front of you. You're still nursing several times a day and I'm thankful that's still going so well.
You are crawling all over and pulling up anytime you can! You're so busy and love to explore your space. Your favorite things to play with are your marraca, activity cube, peekaboo book, soft stacking cubes, crinkle books, chew beads, sophie, teething banana toothbrush.
You love reading books and are very interested in them. You also love the swing, other babies, going for walks, being worn in the carrier, playing games and being silly with mama and daddy, swimming (which we tried in Mexico), and Bailey and Sadie. You charm everyone with your smile and you have so much to say! Mama is still your favorite thing to say, but you are definitely exploring other syllables and you also love to squeal when you're excited.
You are a very happy and very mellow baby. You don't love when we leave the room, or when we don't let you have something that's not safe (i.e. the scissors!)
Your naps are getting better an more predictable, and you're still taking 2-3 per day. Nighttime sleep is still not your favorite but it is improving. You slept in our room in your bassinet this month, but moved to your crib in early July.
A quick visit to Vermont while Daddy went on a guys' trip to Chicago. We were able to see Mimi, Papi, and also Nana, Steve, Aunt Naomi and Uncle Andrew. You weren't too sure about Andrew's beard, but you warmed up eventually.
Everyday with you is so much fun. It's hard for me to believe you've been in our arms on the outside longer than you were on the inside. We love watching you grow and are absolutely wrapped around your tiny, chubby little fingers. Your smile, infectious laugh and big sloppy kisses make our world go round. We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Love you,

1 comment:
She is the absolute sweetest girl!!!! Love that little watermelon dress!
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