Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement, prayers and love sent our way after last week's post. Not only did I feel encouraged to hear from so many that everything was fine and we would have heard if it was otherwise, but I just felt so lifted and relieved that our baby is being covered in prayer. It's truly so powerful and we are so thankful to have a whole community praying our baby into our arms.The doctor assured that the calcification was not severe, and that they would be keeping a close eye on A. She and the baby will get extra ultrasounds and she is remaining at the clinic for the time being. We're all on board with that. So, thank you! Please continue to pray that our little babe gets everything he/she needs from A, and remains safe at all times. Please pray that Baby G continues to grow right on track and is healthy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Dear Baby,
Hey, sweetie pie! You are 21 weeks, 1 day today and you are the size of a carrot, about 10 1/2 inches long. This week your eyebrows are developed and so are your taste buds! Daddy and I joke about you eating and requesting dal. This is an awesome Indian lentil dish that we loved while we were there, and we're pretty sure you are getting some good dal regularly. It will be so interesting to see if you take an interest in Indian food!
So, the absolute highlight of our week was talking to A and seeing how you have grown! We skyped at 5:30am and you can see my face in the corner as A stood up. She looks great and feels great. She says you are moving all the time! This made us so happy. I asked if she could tell when you are sleeping and awake and she said yes, when she's sleeping, you're awake! It's very hot in India right now, so she's craving cold foods, like ice cream. And, she is almost always eating vegetarian now, as meat is not appealing at all. This is different from her other pregnancies, and I still kind of love that. We are so thankful for your growth and movement, sweet baby.

Dear Baby,
Hey, sweetie pie! You are 21 weeks, 1 day today and you are the size of a carrot, about 10 1/2 inches long. This week your eyebrows are developed and so are your taste buds! Daddy and I joke about you eating and requesting dal. This is an awesome Indian lentil dish that we loved while we were there, and we're pretty sure you are getting some good dal regularly. It will be so interesting to see if you take an interest in Indian food!
So, the absolute highlight of our week was talking to A and seeing how you have grown! We skyped at 5:30am and you can see my face in the corner as A stood up. She looks great and feels great. She says you are moving all the time! This made us so happy. I asked if she could tell when you are sleeping and awake and she said yes, when she's sleeping, you're awake! It's very hot in India right now, so she's craving cold foods, like ice cream. And, she is almost always eating vegetarian now, as meat is not appealing at all. This is different from her other pregnancies, and I still kind of love that. We are so thankful for your growth and movement, sweet baby.
Mother's Day was very sweet. Your daddy made it special, and a card, flowers, and picnic in the park made for a lovely day.
I had another dream this week where you are a girl. That's two dreams about you as a girl, but we'll see! I go back and forth so much and we'll just be so surprised when we meet you. I imagine that to be the greatest moment of our entire lives.
We don't have your name picked out yet, but I think we're getting close. For a girl, we've got it narrowed down to two and the middle name picked out. For a boy, we some days think we've got it picked out and other days the list grows to three. We adore them all, so how we'll decide, I don't know!
We now have some newborn and size 1 diapers and wipes, so that's exciting! We decided to go with The Honest Company. We haven't picked out a crib or set up your nursery yet but I am itching to do so. It's amazing to think that in approximately 3 1/2 months, you'll be in our arms. God is so good.
Our friends from NC, Brent and Danielle, are moving to NYC and staying with us this week while they find an apartment. We're excited to spend some time with them! Lots of restaurants, shops, and parks to show them over the next few days.
Also, your baby jeans came this week and I pretty much think they are the cutest little things ever. Something about a little baby in blue jeans. Daddy and I are in trouble.
My darling, you're doing such a wonderful job. Keep growing big and strong and know how deeply you are loved and prayed for from all over the world. You're our miracle and we are so proud of you. We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

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