Dear Baby,
You are 13 weeks 2 days (though last week you measured ahead, so I'm now not sure if it's 13 weeks 4 days instead!) You're the size of a pea pod, my little sweet pea. This week you are practicing your breathing and you have your own unique set of fingerprints. This is the last week of the first trimester and we're very excited about that.
Here's you at your scan last week!
Another highlight was that we Skyped with A and one of your doctors last night. It was 12:30 am our time, but it was totally worth it. After feeling nauseous for the first trimester, she's starting to feel better. She looked beautiful, happy and healthy AND she's showing quite a bit! It was quite surreal seeing her baby bump and knowing YOU are the miracle inside!
One thing I thought was cool/interesting is that in past pregnancies with her two children, she has craved meat. In India they either say veg or non-veg. She has, in the past, enjoyed non-veg but with you, my sweet, veg is the only thing that's appealed to her. And pickles. She's been craving pickles, which is the cutest thing ever. Your mommy doesn't eat very much meat either, so even though I'm not carrying you, I'll take some responsibility for those veg cravings. :) Your daddy, on the other hand, is a non-veg fellow. I'm just so thankful you're growing and getting what you need! I'm very thankful for everything A is going through to bring you into our arms. Words can't quite describe it.
My sweet friend, Jen, sent you this darling package yesterday which is absolutely precious. Jen has two beautiful girls, Elise and Olivia, and I know you'll meet them one day! You are so loved already!
I am on spring break this week (week one of two) and spent it relaxing and enjoying the city a bit. I went to see Kelly and Michael one morning, have been going to barre classes, making breakfast and lunches, and meeting Daddy for lunch a couple of days for some day dates. It's been great! Tomorrow I head to NC for the week and I'm super excited about that, too. Today is the first day of spring and in NYC it's snowing, so there's that! Looking forward to flocking south for a week!
You're doing such an amazing job, my love, and keep it up. You're growing big and strong and healthy and we pray for you always. We love you so, dear baby.

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