Well, words just cannot properly express how truly humbled and incredibly thankful I feel. Sharing the news about our adventure to India was scary, but I am so glad that I did. As I read through the outpouring of texts, messages on social media and email, tears just filled my eyes. Knowing that we are being lifted up in the thoughts and prayers of so many who love us and are cheering for us is absolutely amazing.
To top it off, we actually hit a sizeable road block on Thursday, the day I posted about our news. We weren't sure if I would be able to obtain my prescriptions in time for us to leave. This process is complicated, as you can imagine, and attempting to have IVF in India but begin the cycle here has not been the simplest thing to try and coordinate. Anyhow, I seriously panicked. I was so upset and worried that things would all fall apart here at the end. I went to acupuncture after school and cried some more. I was a mess the whole day. Then, I just told myself that I need to have faith in this process and have faith that these details would work out. I reminded myself (and through several pep talks with TJ) that we would figure this out, one way or another. It was going to be okay. God's got this.
So, through the kindness of a friend (and lots of other people) and a very caring doctor, we're going to be alright. Just like that, it worked out. I am just in awe of the ways people have gone out of their way to help us. I feel so undeserving, and so grateful. It's the biggest reminder for me to pay this kindness forward to others, because I really just felt helpless and didn't know what to do. We have the meds now, and we're going to India in 8 days!
I thought I'd do a little {it's turning into a long} post about some of the details and answer some questions that have been asked.
8 Random Things...
{8} We will leave for India on the 19th and come back on January 2nd. So, a different type of Christmas and New Years it will be!
{7} We will begin an IVF cycle here, and finish in India, where we will have the egg retrieval. Then, we pray and pray that we'll have a precious embryo or embryos that we {and by we I mean the doctors} will transfer to our surrogate, 3-5 days later.
{6}We will communicate with our doctors and surrogate via phone, email and Skype throughout.
{5} I've never flown this far or for this long. Those who have, please give me tips for getting through it as comfortably as possible!
{4} Speaking of, I would love to load up the ipad with books and shows for the trip. What books do you love right now/recently? I have a few on my list but would love other suggestions. Shows that would be good to get into? We're all caught up with Scandal and Homeland, and are in the midst of Breaking Bad.
{3} It is going to be 91 degrees when we are there. Figuring out what to pack is down on the list of things to do somewhere!
{2} Thank you all so much for praying for us. We need and appreciate those prayers in a big way and feel better and stronger about taking steps into the unknown with a big team along side of us. It truly touches our hearts and we are ever grateful for all of your support along the way.
{1} If I'm being honest, holidays are hard. When we put up our Christmas tree I shed tears as I take out special ornaments and remember the ones we love who are not physically with us. Part of me still prepares for Christmas and loves to get in the spirit, and another part of me is quietly relieved when I've 'made it through' another holiday. All of this to say that Christmas this year will be very different since it won't be spent with our families or in any sort of traditional way. However, I am excited for the new beginning it represents, and the hope we have in our hearts for our family. And the prayer that next Christmas we finally have our bundle of joy in our arms.

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