August 8th, 2014-Paris
These posts are so long, but it's worth it for me to be able to recap our trip! I started working at my new school last week, so the posting was put on hold, though I plan to wrap it up this week!
Okay, Paris. :)
We were staying in St. Germain, and again loved where we stayed, Hotel DiVinci. We started our first full day with a delicious breakfast of the three C's: crepes, croissants, and cappuccinos.
The weather was SO lovely up until this point, but it was a drizzly day in Paris. It wasn't going to stop us from enjoying our time there!
hahaha. I love him.
We chose to use the Batobus {water taxi} which rode up and down the Seine, as our transportation for the day. You could hop on and off at various places, and it was just right for our packed day.
We walked along Champs-Elysées to the Arc de Triumph. Then we headed to the Eiffel Tower and decided to walk up as far as we could, the second tier.
Our views along the way!
Next we headed to the Louvre. This is one of my favorite spots, but we just didn't have the time to go inside and do it justice. But we did a good old fashioned snap-n-go, which had to be the best we could do!
Then we wandered to another shopping district and grabbed sandwiches and treated ourselves to champagne cocktails with freshly squeezed juices. They might have also been 18 euros each, something we could have found out ahead of time. Oops. Well, at least they were delicious.
We had to go to Galerie-Lafayette! I loved going here
with my mom and sister the last time we were in Paris,
and even TJ was impressed by this massive department store.
Tuilerie Gardens
Notre Dame {from a distance, didn't have time to go in}
For dinner, we had planned on going back to our hotel and changing, then picking another neighborhood to visit for dinner. Then, the sky opened up while we were in the Marais and we decided that was where we'd enjoy dinner! It was perfect. We found this little sidewalk café and enjoyed another champagne cocktail {don't judge, we were in France, afterall} and for dinner I had French onion soup that was out of this world.
To finish up the evening, we hopped back on the Batobus and rode it down the Seine to the Eiffel Tower, the last stop. The sky was amazing and we couldn't get over the backdrop. Everything was just so picturesque.
At night, every hour the whole tower sparkles for five minutes, giving an amazing show. We made it in time to see, and the pictures don't do it justice. I'm so glad we made it back out there to see it at night.
We couldn't stop taking pictures of this beautiful tower at night. While we had both been to Paris separately before, there is something so sweet and magical about seeing it with your person. So happy to have seen it with mine.
Next up: Loire Valley!