Our minds are very powerful. Sometimes the thoughts, fears, anxieties we create can prevent us from really living, or doing, something we may want to do. Do I always feel strong or brave? Not even close.
Another example of this has to do with running. Before we got married, I was training for a half marathon. I was really deep into the training, and had gotten up to running 11 miles. Then, our wedding happened, honeymoon happened, and that was it for the long distance running. I never signed up for that half marathon, and so it didn't happen. Then, well, life happened. I'd be pregnant or planning to be pregnant or recovering from a treatment or miscarriage and I didn't run. The weird thing is, I've wanted to run. Nothing was stopping me but my own mind. I gave myself excuses or talked myself out of it, or told myself that I couldn't possibly get that distance back. Now I find myself almost five years later and I need to run. I think I need to prove to myself that I can do it. Lately I've gotten back out there a little bit. The first run was very slow, but I managed to run 6 miles. I feel proud of myself for doing that, and it makes me want to do more. And then, just like usual, I feel the thoughts of doubt creep in. Can I run 7 more miles? Will I be able to finish a half marathon? The answer is yes. I just need to stop thinking about it and do it. So, we plan to sign up for a half marathon for the fall, before we are ready. In doing so, the hope is the we will be ready by the time it comes around, and we will be accountable for actually running it. I guess I'm writing it down here so that we will also be accountable for signing up for one!
Have you ever found yourself in a situation like this? How did you get motivated to make your goals happen? Any running tips for half marathon training?

6 miles on your first time out?? That is impressive! I have no doubt that you have a 1/2 marathon in you. Have fun training Margot ��������
You have this! xo
Just do it...no truer words have been said. I try to live by this too...but it's hard sometimes!
I NEVER thought I could run 13.1 miles. But I worked towards it and did it. Well I walked some but that wasn't what was important. It's that my lil toosh went 13.1 miles! And same goes for you...if you WANT it, you will do it!
Here are a couple posts about mine: http://anniesadventures16.blogspot.com/2012/04/nashville-half-marathon.html
That is AWESOME!!!! You go, girl! I am so proud of you! Have you looked for a running club? Maybe that would help you keep up with training! :) Wish I was there and we could try it together!
Umm, yeah- if you can do 6 miles cold-turkey, you're going to rock a half-marathon very soon! My advice- sign up now! I love running but never actually get out and run consistently unless I'm signed up for a race. Also, consider using GU gels or other energy snacks for longer runs. I used to never use them and then only if double-digits, but now if I'm going 7 miles or more, I eat one about halfway through my run and it gives me a extra boost. Running can give you so much confidence in yourself and your body. If you can train up to 10 or 12, you can do 13.1 on race day. You might surprise yourself and love it so much that after a couple halfs, you'll be ready to conquer 26.2! : )
Awesome job Margot! Keep runnin' and you will build your miles in no time!!
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