I received this awesome text from my dad the other day and this is what I'm most excited about today! My mom is coming for a visit! She will be our first visitor, and I'm so excited to have a fabulous girls trip full of shopping, trying out new restaurants, and playing "tour guide" for the few blocks I've actually explored so far! I am especially thankful that she is coming, as TJ is headed for a big business trip to China for the week. We'll all miss him around here while he's away but it will be so special to have my mom to keep us company and to spend time together. Thank you, Dad, for lending me this special gift!
Bailey and Sadie were not on their best behavior this week. It started on Tuesday when I went to the gym and to run some errands for a couple of hours in the morning. I came back to find a chewed up, empty bottle of allegra. The dogs were acting fine, but I couldn't take any chances. I called Poison Control and concocted a potion of peanut butter, bread and something to make them...sick. Yuck, right? It didn't work, so off to the vet we went. Luckily there was one around the corner, since we hadn't found one yet this was something I crossed off the list. They had to have their stomachs pumped and I'm pretty sure it turned into the worst day ever in their eyes. They are fine, thank goodness.
The following day, they kept up their mischief. I went out for a couple hours again, and came home to find this. That is a bread trail scattered along the floor. Guess they couldn't get enough from the day before. I actually laughed a lot before I scolded her, because really, that's a funny scene. Little monkeys.
I love nail polish. I think I've mentioned this about a hundred times, but I love it. I finally dug out my bins of polish that I brought with me and brought out these colors this week. I am normally an Essie, Butter, and OPI girl when it comes to nail polish, but I found this Bobbi Brown color that I love! It came as a birthday gift back in April and I stashed it away because I was ready for springy pinks and corals. It's perfect for this time of year. It is a purple-grayish color with a shimmer called twilight. I'm currently wearing Lincoln Park After Dark, which I haven't pulled out in a while! Love it. What are you favorite colors right now? I am always trying to find new ones. :)
All boxes are finally unpacked! Yaaaaay! Now, not everything is hung on the walls, but we are getting there! Slowly but surely we are getting settled.
A week in pictures! Now that my unofficial job of unpacking boxes is over, I hope to be better about blogging during the week. For now, here's what we were up to over the past week.
The food is so good here. Every restaurant we go to is amazing so far and I would go to all of the places again. We went out with new friends on Saturday and they brought us to a really fun place called Jimmy's Pickles. For dinner I opted for cheese grits and some type of corn on the cob deliciousness. The grits were among the best I've ever had, and I'm from NC! So good. We would definitely go back there for brunch as their biscuits are supposedly wonderful, as well!
The lighting on this picture is not good, but the nutella crepe in my hand is delicious. We have to force ourselves to keep walking as we go by this place every day.
Date night at Ditch Plains. This might be our first picture together in the city so far. This place was really neat and they served handmade saltwater taffy at the end of the meal as a special touch. We loved the atmosphere here and would definitely go back.
haha. This picture cracks me up from the dog park. Bailey's face says it all.
Happy Sadie.
Hard to see, but the street shut down for Halloween. I love how the neighbors decked out the street. Can't wait to see how festive it gets around here for the holidays!
In our building we had more trick-or-treaters than we did in Charlotte and we actually ran out of candy, much to TJ's dismay. The candy bags might have been smaller and the building is most certainly bigger, but either way, it was fun to see so many kiddos out and to meet some neighbors.
The red cup is back! You know what that means! It's holiday season. :)
Opening ceremonies for the NYC Marathon. Over 55,000 runners are coming into town and Central Park is all kinds of crazy right now. It will be fun to see the festivities and watch the runners.
I hope you are having a wonderful weekend and thanks so much for stopping by!

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