How was your weekend? Ours was nice.
Quick Recap:
*Friday night was sushi date night, yum.
*Went for a family run on Saturday. So the hubby and I have started running again {or trying our hardest to!} so we wanted to get in a good run on Saturday, But, I always feel guilty for Sadie Bug because she's by herself during the week when we are at work. TJ says I am projecting and that she just sleeps all day, but still, I feel bad! So, naturally, I want to include her in any and all weekend activities. I planned on walking with Bug while hubby ran the greenway. Well, she wasn't having it. As soon as he took off, so did she. Yep, the little westie ran me through the entire trail! She's really not a "runner girl" like some dogs, but this one was taking off like a greyhound after her daddy. Pretty classic. And, I ended up getting my run in, afterall. :)
*My family came for a quick visit. We had lunch with my parents, sister and brother-in-law, and precious niece, then spent the day toodling around. I love when they come to visit!
*Hubby and I went to dinner and made it an early/redbox kind of night.
*We went to church on Sunday then I attempted hot yoga while he went mountain bike riding. I have recently started taking yoga classes and think they are great. I have taken hot yoga before, but it has been a while. Let's just say the yogi girls in front of me doing HEAD stands set my eago back a few notches. Hmm..
*Then I came home and spent the rest of the day in the kitchen. Minestrone soup for dinner and pumpkin muffins were in the oven. 'Twas a nice little Sunday. :)
My must-haves this Monday are finding things to look forward to at the start of a long week. I'm having some girlfriends over on Thursday and I could not be more excited. Now my only problem is narrowing down my list of goodies to prepare!
I am also going to try and start some projects. I subscribe to Martha Stewart Living, Better Homes and Gardens, Southern Living and Real Simple. I know, I have a problem. But, I'm loving all of the seasonal inspiration right now. I think I want to try these:
Oh, and since I really like to celebrate the goodness in life, I thought I would share a couple lost photos from our big anniversary {number two} from last Monday.
What do you do to make your Mondays marvelous? I'd love to know. :)

Love that little wine bottle sleeve. Currently, I am chest-deep and completely overwhelmed by my "I want to try/do this" list. There are SO many wonderful things I want to do. Ahhhhh! ;-)
I agree with Sarah - cute wine bottle sleeve. Sounds like you had a nice weekend. I also have projects I want to do, but just haven't gotten around to yet. I have all the supplies to make an upholstered headboard, but have had zero time to tackle this project. Maybe in December...yikes! Have a fabulous time with your friends!
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