We have had a lot of fun {and have done lots of research and have had lots of debates} while picking out gear for baby. I always love seeing what others have picked out, so I thought I'd share some of the bigger pieces we've decided on so far.
Our nursery is...under construction. The crib is here {in a box} and we have about a third of the room filled with baby's clothes and other sweet things. Oh, we also need to have a wall put up to make the nursery an actual room, but that's a minor detail, right? We have been waffling between staying in our current apartment and moving, something we still haven't quite figured out yet! I know it will all be fine. Good thing the baby will be staying in our room for the first 18 years or so. ;)
So, to the fun stuff! Our parents have helped us with the crib and stroller, of which we are SO grateful.
Everyone told us that we'd spend a lot of time in glider, so make sure we get a comfortable one. We chose this one because it is super comfortable, and we like that it is a glider and can be a recliner, as well. I would still like to get an ottoman (I'm envisioning a navy and white patterned one) to go with it.
This is our crib! We love it.
Since our situation is a bit unique, a lot of the things we've been thinking about purchasing are 'travel friendly'. Figuring out sleeping arrangements, in India and at home, has been a big one. Something like a pack n' play is great, but can also be heavy and bulky. SO, we've been looking at bassinets that will work for travel but also can be used at home. The two below are about 13 pounds, can be switched to rocking or stationary legs, and are compact. Both are safe and pass all of the requirements there, so it's really just a choice between the two. I am leaning towards the babyhome because 1) I like the way it looks, 2) It has a changing station that can attach to the top. That would be nice in India to have a little set up in that way. Both seem great, and we would use in our room when we returned from India for as long as baby fit. :)

Ahh, the stroller. In New York, since most people do not have cars, your stroller is your vehicle. It has been recommended to us that we get an all-terrain one, with big wheels and a huge basket. I love the buffalo because of the various ways baby can sit and lay, the extended canopy, and the fact that the bassinet/seat can come off and sit on a stand at home or elsewhere. Our car seat will clip in, too. I'm pretty obsessed with this stroller, and the color is gender neutral for our sweetie. We can change out the fabric easily, should we wish to do so down the road.
The car seat came and we LOVE it. It has wonderful reviews and is as safe as safe gets. That's the number one priority, of course!
When we go to India, we plan to use this as our travel stroller. It folds up so easily, with one hand, and is lightweight and compact. We'll bring this and our car seat, and baby can use it long after we come home as a lightweight option/travel stroller.