Dear Baby,
Hello, my darling and hello, second trimester! Today you are 14 weeks, 6 days, so 15 weeks tomorrow! In your fourteenth week, you are already the size of a lemon. I am in awe at how you grow, and am sure that this will continue once you arrive in our arms!
This week your bones are getting stronger and so are your facial expressions! You can squint, frown, grimace and suck your thumb. Your organs are functioning more and more, and you are kicking and punching with your arms which are in proportion to the rest of your body now. You are stretching out and are quite flexible and active.
I went to North Carolina for the week and spent lots of time with family and friends. It was wonderful to catch up with so many loved ones, though I was sad I didn't get to see everyone, including your 'aunt' Kelly and baby girl Lucia.
I hardly took any pictures, which is ridiculous, but here are the ones that I have of the trip.
Baby G, you are SO loved. I shipped a box up of all of these precious, adorable, thoughtful gifts that friends and your Mimi and Papi gave you. I can't wait to wrap you up in those blankets, snuggle you with your lovies and read you those sweet books. That print that says 'You Are My Greatest Adventure'? Be still my heart. I am so moved and we are so blessed. And in case there was ever any doubt, you are our greatest adventure.
You keep growing big and strong, my sweet. You're doing such a wonderful job and we always praise God for you and ask Him to protect you and A while helping you grow and give you everything you need. We are proud of you and love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy