I'm linking up with April, Natasha, Christina and Darci for the last Five on Friday for 2013! I will keep it short and sweet today because...
{one} ...We're driving to NC today!!!!!!!! I am so, so excited to head south for Christmas and to see family and friends! We're even going to watch our Panthers play Sunday, which is an added bonus. This will be a time filled with relaxing, movie watching, good-food eating, baking, playing with our nieces and celebrating what Christmas is all about. I hope the dogs are okay with coming back to the big city after 10 days of being spoiled with SPACE and a YARD! :)
{two} My wish for snow was granted twice this week! On Saturday, it snowed and snowed. We took the dogs to the park and then we strolled around the city looking at all of the lights and windows. Then, we made our way to THE tree! It was pretty spectacular to see.
{three} We went to our first TV show taping last night, and it was quite an experience! The show is called What We Wasted Our Year On, and it's a look back on the events, stories, videos we were watching this year. Willie Geist was the host (Today Show, anyone?) and there were four comedians that co-hosted. I am a loyal Today Show fan, so seeing Willie in person was exciting enough for me. (It's the little things!) The process was so interesting to see behind the scenes and what goes into taping a show. We showed up at NBC studios around 5:15 and didn't leave until 10:00--whew! All I could think about what how tired Willie must be, as he put in a longer day than anyone! I digress. The security was tight and having phones on was not an option. We did snap a picture in line before we went in. It will air on December 27th at 9:00 (I think) and we are sitting on the end of the front row in the middle section. Maybe we will have half a second of fame?
{four} This is my 99th post on Find Your Spark! A little idea popped in my head that I wanted to do a little giveaway (my first) to celebrate the 100th post. Stay tuned!!!
{five} Finally, since this is the last post before Christmas, I wanted to give a little holiday home tour of our apartment. It is small, folks, but we tried to make it festive!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope your holidays are filled with joy, hope and health.