Dear Emmerson,
You are eleven months, my darling! I can hardly believe that this time next month we'll be celebrating twelve months---ONE year! This has been the fastest, most amazing year of our lives, and we are soaking up every single sweet moment with you. Everyday is better than the last, and we are the luckiest people in the world to be your mommy and daddy.
You are crawling fast all over the place, cruising, walking while holding our hands, and have most recently started standing on your own for longer periods of time!
You squeal (shriek) loudly when you're excited, or just when you want to try out your voice, and you are super friendly. You love other babies and being around people. You smile at everyone and are only occasionally weary of some men with bushy beards (sorry uncle Andrew!)
You LOVE to eat! Your number one favorite food right now is cheese. If a cheese stick is anywhere near you, you immediately start smacking your lips and smiling. Aside from cheese, you love yogurt, toast, pasta, all fruits and veggies, egg yolk omelettes, and you'll eat salmon, chicken, and turkey--though you seem to prefer the produce. You're still nursing several times a day and I'm just following your lead on that!
You enjoy going to music and ballet class, so we try and do that once every week. We also go to stroller workouts in the park and have weekly playdates with our friends. It's been so awesome to form a little village for you in this urban jungle!
Your favorite toys are stacking cups, shapes, piano, and getting into everything that isn't a toy. One of your favorite games is pulling things out of a bag or box, and you love drumming or making noises with your toys.
You are obsessed with your doggies, Sadie specifically, and follow them around everywhere. Bailey allows you to climb all over her, stick your hands in her mouth, pull her hair, etc. Sadie, on the other hand isn't as interested in a tiny person pushing up on little self. This seems to make you covet her attention more so you seem to focus on what Sadie's doing at all times. It's very sweet, and we know they both love you.
You love to wave, clap and point. You know "hi" and "bye bye" and say it by waving. You most recently started saying "moo", and can find your head, belly, and mouth. You give the best kisses ever. You still say "mama" all day long, "baba", and sometimes you'll say "dada" but that one you save for special occasions! Your smile lights up the room and your laugh melts us into a million pieces.
You are a silly goose, and love playing games like peekaboo. You love your books, and enjoy popup one as well as textured ones, like Pat the Bunny.
Lately you've been napping like a champ, taking (usually) two solid naps, ranging from 1-2 hours each. Nighttime sleeping is still not your favorite, but things seem to have improved over time and you're getting some longer stretches. I think mommy and daddy have gotten better with handling the lack of sleep, though I certainly enjoy making lattes with you each morning. Staying home with you is the greatest job I've ever had, and I seriously love every single day. We've got our routines, and weekly activities, and I just love playing with you and watching you explore your world. Being your mom is the best. The very best!
This month you went on your 13th flight, visited Hilton Head with family, went to the zoo twice, tried lots of new foods, played with lots of friends, swam in the ocean and pool and ate some sand (among other new food items).
Love you,

1 comment:
Awesome post ! so cute baby ! " I can hardly believe that this time next month we'll be celebrating twelve months" !!!!!
Thanks a lot for sharing this awesome post !
Goood Day !
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