Dear Emmerson,
My baby, you are seven months! You are growing so much everyday. Here's what you've been up to, months 6-7!
You are wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes, and are almost out of size 1 diapers. You are weighing in about 14 pounds and your thigh rolls and belly are deliciously plump.You've mastered sitting this month! We're so proud of you and you seem to love the new perspective. You are rolling all over the place and are SO close to crawling! You can push yourself backwards, but haven't moved forwards yet. You like to get on your hands and knees and rock back and forth, but we can tell you really want to move forward! I know you're close, and that will surely change things when you're crawling all around. You do LOVE to stand and pull up any chance you get when we put out our hands. You even held on to the crib rail the other day while standing. You're such a big girl!
You are so curious and such an intelligent baby. You love your Oball exersaucer, Sophie the giraffe, your kick n' play piano, chew beads, soft stacking blocks and your Manhattan Toy Company toys.
You love reading books, and your favorites right now are Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You, Pout Pout Fish, I'd Know You Anywhere, My Love, Guess How Much I Love You, Dragons Love Tacos.
I've loved making your baby food, and you've tried lots of new ones this month! You've had green beans, avocado, peas, sweet potatoes, and butternut squash. Your favorites so far are sweet potatoes and butternut squash. Our pediatrician recommended trying veggies (green-->yellow) first, then fruits, so you actually haven't tried any fruits yet! That's coming up soon and I'm sure you'll be excited. You're a good little eater! You are still nursing every 3 hours or so. You also love your nightly oatmeal and trying to drink water from your sippy cup.
You are such a funny little muffin, and you love to laugh and smile. You like when we sing to you and dance around. Playing peek-a-boo, swinging, being held, giving kisses, taking baths, watching other babies, smiling at people in line, on the street or elevator, going for walks, being in your Lillebaby carrier, pulling Bailey's fur, squealing, singing and talking are some of your favorite hobbies.
You dislike when we leave the room, and taking long naps. ;)
This month you've started saying mamamamamamama, bababababa, and wawawawawa. :) We have gone to mommy and me yoga, a stroller workout, and a baby wearing barre class. I think you love them, and it's fun for mommy to get some exercise with you!
You are sleeping in our room still in your bassinet, but this month we plan to transition you to your crib. We'll see how that goes!
Your seven month birthday was the same day as my birthday! I loved celebrating with you and it was truly the most special day because I was able to share it with you.
First time on a swing! You love it.
I love this picture of you!
mealtime fun :)
Your first Easter!
Little bunny with your Easter basket and goodies
We loved having MiMi come for a visit!
birthday celebrations with our sweet friends in the park!
My sweet baby, we're having so much fun watching you grow. Everyday I love seeing your personality shine through more and more. I want to simultaneously freeze time while at the same time I am so excited for what's in store for you. I'm so proud of you and love spending everyday together. You are my world, and you make it such a bright, beautiful one. Keep growing big and strong! You're our precious miracle and I thank God for you every single day. We love you, we love you, we love you, so dear baby!
Love you,

1 comment:
Sweet, sweet girl! I love reading what Emmerson is up to because I know that it's right around the corner for Kate. She is just the cutest and I have no doubt that she and Kate would be the best little buddies. I know you're enjoying every little moment with her- so so happy for you!!!
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