You are three months young! Mommy is already way behind in posting, but I better late than never, right?
This month has been so much fun! You are such a smiley, happy baby, and we can't get enough of you. Your nicknames are Emme, Emme Kate, Squish, Squishy, little Ham.
You are wearing 0-3 clothes and size one diapers. You don't go back to the doctor until 4 months so we're not sure what you're weighing and measuring these days! We just look at those thigh and arm rolls, and your big belly and take it as a sign that you're doing great!
You're also very aware of your surroundings, and you've started to show interest in your toys, like your crinkle books and lovies. You LOVE to talk. We have long conversations all day long and it's just the best thing. You get excited, smile big and talk up a storm.
We think we're starting to understand when you're feeling tired, (rarely) frustrated, or hungry, which is a good thing so we can fix it quickly! You still love being held and recognize your mama and daddy which makes our hearts swell. And you're really a happy baby! You give great cuddles and are such a sweet girl.
You also love bouncing/rocking, your rock n' play, being worn in the carrier, taking walks in the stroller, bath time, reading books, and talking, smiling, helping/watching mommy in the kitchen or getting ready for the day, listening to music and putting your hands in your mouth as much as possible.
You dislike tummy time, and not being held. :)
I've mentioned this before, but you are exclusively breastfeeding! This is something that makes me so happy and feel so proud and thankful. It's become one of the most treasured times I spend with you. We're in our groove now and it's going really well. I am amazed at what our bodies are capable of! You're feeding on demand, but it's on average every 2-3 hours.
As for sleeping, you're giving us longer stretches now (we've had up to 7 hours!) but I can't say we are in a consistent sleep routine yet. You typically go to bed and have a feeding around 9, and then maybe wake up once around 3-4, then again at 6:30, and again around 8:30/9. That's about as structured as we've made it so far! You'll never hear me complain about sleep (or lack thereof) because I've waited years to be exactly where I am today and I'm loving every minute of it.
I'm going to do a separate post about your first Christmas and New Years, but below are some snapshots of your busy month! You met Santa, friends, and family. You traveled to Maine and North Carolina. You even got your first cold! :( Of course you kept you're happy spirit up through it all.
I can hardly handle these pictures of you with Santa. The first of many meetings with this fella in red!
Sweet Katie came to town for her birthday and got to meet you at Tavern on the Green!
We took a flight to Maine for Grandpa Jack's memorial. While it was a sad reason to gather, it ended up being such a celebration of his life. And it brought family members together from near and far, which was an extra bonus. These aunties (and uncle) couldn't wait to squeeze you. They are so excited you're here!
Uncle Aaron loved all the Emme snuggles!
Great Uncle Dave had the soothing touch
Cousin Jack!
Great Auntie Wo-Wo!
Aunt Marideth (like a sister to mommy) with Merritt and you!
Cousin Madeleine and Caitlyn were SO excited to spend the break with you!
You finally met your Aunt Dana (Day-Day) who couldn't wait to get her hands on you!
These are mommy's best friends! Aunt Kelly and Aunt Marideth both have sweet girls, Lucia and Merritt, and you met and played with them in North Carolina. I can't even tell you how special it was!
And, a look back at your first 12 weeks! My baby, how you've grown!
We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby.

She is one loved little babydoll! So glad she got to meet so much of your family and friends!
Aww--thanks for including me in this post! I was so glad I got to meet her and see you all! Can't wait to see you again in a couple of weeks! Love you lots :)
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