Dear Emmerson,
My darling baby girl, you are one month young today! Everyone says that it goes by so fast, and boy were they right. This has been the fastest, most exquisite month of our entire lives. Our hearts grow with love immeasurably each and everyday.
Being your mommy is truly the greatest thing I have ever experienced. I love every single second. Before you were born, I wrote letters to you each week. Now that you are here and we're getting to know one another, I'm going to continue writing to you. You've had a busy month and I want to capture and remember all of it!
At your pediatrician appointment last week, you measured 20 1/4 inches long and at your one month appointment you weighed in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces!
You are such an angel baby. You're on a pretty consistent three hour sleep/eat schedule and are a happy girl most always. Some of your favorite things include making kissy faces, smiling, Mama's milk, strolling, swinging in the Mamaroo, being held, having your arms up, snuggling, naps on Mommy and Daddy, bathtime, and looking at shapes. You're very alert and your eyes are captivating.
You don't love tummy time quite yet, and you like your milk the second you feel hungry, thank you very much.
We affectionately call you Emmerson Kate, Emme (sounds like Emmie), Emme Kate. Daddy sometimes calls you the Red Hulk when you (rarely) get mad, but we all know that's still just as cute.
Here are some recaps of your first weeks!
Your birthday and first week
Your Mimi and Papi shared your first 18 days with us and it was so special to have them there with us! They love you sooo much and miss seeing you now that they are in NC! We miss them, too!
Week Two
Week two we went to the US Embassy, got your passport, and then went to the Indian consulate to get your exit visa. You flew home on a 15 1/2 hour flight and did phenomenal! You slept and ate the whole flight. We have never been so happy to be home than when we brought you with us!
Week Three
Week three we spent getting acclimated to life in NYC. You went to your first US pediatrician appointment and we had a photographer come to our apartment and take sweet pictures. Daddy went back to work and we started figuring out how to spend our days just you and me.
Week Four
The weather cooled way down and we had our first visitors! We visited with Danielle and Brent, Sarah and Matt, and Nana, Auntie Naomi, Susan and Andrew. Everyone is so excited to meet you!
And here's how you've changed over your first four weeks!
Emmerson, we still can't believe you are ours. What a beautiful gift you are, baby girl. You are loved beyond words by us and so many others. Everyone is joyfully relieved you are here! Everyday truly is the best day because we have you in our arms. We don't take a minute of it for granted. Happy One Month, sweet angel. We love you so, dear baby.
I love you,

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