Making it to 16 weeks is huge. For those who may not know, this is around the time where we lost the twins. I hate typing the words but it's important to do so because it happened, I want to acknowledge that, and recognize that it doesn't mean it will happen again. It's the place from which my fear and anxiety grow, and the place in my heart that will never truly heal. I mentioned last week that I've experienced profound peace. I am still overall peaceful, though this week waves of {understandable} nerves occurred while we wait for this week's appointment. I know that making it past this point in the pregnancy will bring on newer, positive experiences that I can pull from my heart and mind. Could you please keep us in your prayers this week? Please pray for wonderful news and a healthy baby. It means more to me than words can possibly express! Thank you so so much!
Dear Baby,
Hey, little love. You are 16 weeks, 6 days today, and you are the size of an avocado. Side note, this is one of my absolute favorite foods, and I guacamole is something I could eat probably daily. Okay, back to you! You're doing big things this week. Your circulatory system is working and your heart is pumping about 25 quarts of blood a day. Your scalp pattern is starting to develop, though no hair just yet! You are also growing toenails, which is so so sweet. A layer of fat has formed underneath your skin, and you'll go through a growth spurt over the next few weeks!
You and I received the sweetest package from my sweet friend/teacher/prayer warrior this week. She has been lifting us up in prayer from the beginning and continues to do so, which means so much.
How sweet are those little elephants? They will all go in your room and we'll think of her loving family each time we see them. Thank you, sweet Lisa!
This week we are waiting on your big anatomy scan. I know you'll do great! We pray for you to be healthy and safe, always. Daddy is as cool as a cucumber and I have been generally pretty calm, too, which is a blessing. We look forward to getting a look at you this week and seeing how much you've grown!
We know your angels in Heaven are watching over you, and we are so thankful for that fact. You are such a blessing to us and I hope and pray you feel our love 7,000+ miles away. I think you do. I think you are cool as a cucumber just like your daddy and happy and comfortable while you grow and thrive with A.
You keep growing big and strong, darling. We are so proud of and thankful for you!
We love you so, dear baby.
Mommy and Daddy

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