Dear Baby,
Hey, sweetie! I decided to combine the last two week because, well, there's been a lot in each of them and I figured it would work just fine.
17 weeks: At 17 weeks, you were the size of an onion. Or, a pear. We are praising God because we got a beautiful report on your growth! You had a big scan last week at Your sense of hearing grew stronger and you can move all of your joints. Your skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage to hardened bone.
At 17 weeks, Mama turned 30! Daddy took me down to Miami for a short getaway and your Mimi and Papi came along, too! It was a sweet way to celebrate.

The actual day included a blowout for fun, sweet gifts and a nice dinner with Daddy. You, my love, are my greatest gift!

Hey, sweetie! I decided to combine the last two week because, well, there's been a lot in each of them and I figured it would work just fine.
17 weeks: At 17 weeks, you were the size of an onion. Or, a pear. We are praising God because we got a beautiful report on your growth! You had a big scan last week at Your sense of hearing grew stronger and you can move all of your joints. Your skeleton is turning from rubbery cartilage to hardened bone.
At 17 weeks, Mama turned 30! Daddy took me down to Miami for a short getaway and your Mimi and Papi came along, too! It was a sweet way to celebrate.
The actual day included a blowout for fun, sweet gifts and a nice dinner with Daddy. You, my love, are my greatest gift!
You are currently 18 weeks, 3 days and you are the size of a sweet potato! This is one of my favorite foods, as well, my sweet.
This week, you are yawning, hiccupping, sucking and swallowing. You're also twisting, rolling, punching and kicking. We're so thankful for a great report at your appointment. You are growing and developing beautifully. We did find out that the placenta is low lying and you are currently a breech baby. To allow A to have complete rest and not do anything too strenuous, the doctors did admit her to the clinic. We feel sad that she has to spend more time away from her kids, but are beyond thankful for her sacrifices and wonderful care she's taking of you. The doctors say everything is fine, so this is just a precaution to avoid previa from developing and allow A to rest. I read that lots of times, the placenta (or shape of the uterus) moves and it's no longer low lying.
Please pray that baby stays safe and gets what he/she needs at all times!
Please pray that baby stays safe and gets what he/she needs at all times!
As I mentioned, we had some technical difficulties with seeing your pictures! There was a dvd, but to make a long story short, it took us all week to view it! Our computer wasn't opening it and eventually our solution was to view it through a program that let us see the perspective from the computer in India. Sound complicated? Exactly. Anyhow, we did get to see the video and like professionals, we taped it. Then, I took screen shots. You do what you've got to do. The pictures are not the best quality but my goodness, you're growing, baby!
Here's you at 17 weeks, baby love!
Oh how you've grown! The picture on the left was a screen shot of a moving ultrasound video, so I realize it's not the best quality, however, it's amazing to see! You are amazing.
So sweet with your hand in your mouth. We kept seeing you do it on the screen. You're saying, hey guys!
I woke up this morning from a vivid dream. In that dream, it was the night you were born. We were in India, and our doctors handed you to me, and I sobbed my eyes out. My parents were there along with your daddy, of course. In my dream, you are a sweet baby girl. So, for the past little bit that is how you've been appearing in my mind, as a baby girl. Daddy tends to think you are a boy, and I also have gone back and forth. Here's the most important thing: We love you more than words and feelings could ever possibly express. We are so thankful for you and whether you are a baby boy or a baby girl, we are absolutely overjoyed to meet you (and raise you and pour our hearts and soul into you). We pray for you to be healthy and know that you are our baby, perfectly chosen for us.
Keep growing big and strong, sweet love. You're doing such an amazing job and we are so proud of you!!
We love you so, Dear Baby.
Mommy and Daddy
Keep growing big and strong, sweet love. You're doing such an amazing job and we are so proud of you!!
We love you so, Dear Baby.
Mommy and Daddy