You Guys. Words cannot adequately express our gratitude for all of your beautiful words, thoughts, and prayers on our last post. I cried while reading every word, and it makes me so happy to know that our baby is so Loved. With a capital L.
SO-lots to catch up on! I want to share this journey with our little baby one day, so I'll be writing weekly notes to baby G. I'm going to play catch up and post those tomorrow. But first, a few questions answered:
1) Will you find out the baby's gender?
We will not, as it is strictly not allowed in India. So, we're excited for a delivery day surprise! I am envisioning a navy and white nursery, with pops of color after baby arrives. OH, and we're going to add elephants to the nursery because they are such a huge part of the Hindu religion. When we were there, we picked up some special ones and decided right then and there that we'd add elephants to the nursery as a special reminder. They represent Ganesh, who is the remover of obstacles. Meaningful to us in so many ways.
Where is your surrogate living?
Our surrogate, an angel we will call A, stayed at the clinic until 7 weeks. At that point, she returned home with her family. She will now return weekly for check-ins, ultrasounds, bloodwork, etc.
Are you able to speak with your surrogate?
We receive weekly updates on how she is doing, and know all of the details of the care she and baby are receiving. There is a language barrier and a 10 1/2 hour time difference, but we are able to Skype with her and the team all throughout the pregnancy.
When are you due?
We are due September 21st, though we're told that because the surrogates are so petite, she is more likely to carry to 38 weeks. That brings us to around September 7th.
When will you return to India?
We haven't made definite plans yet, but likely the very beginning of September
. We'll be ready to go sooner, and if we get such a call, will leave on the first flight available.
6) Will you be there for delivery?
Yes! God willing, we'll be right there as baby enters the world.
7) How are you feeling? Are you anxious?
I'm feeling abundantly blessed. It definitely is different, walking around like normal while your baby is growing in India--but I can do it. I have felt anxious while waiting to hear news--how the bloodwork came back, how this ultrasound went and then that one. But, I can say that I feel such peace knowing that God's got this. I don't have to worry over the details because He's got them under control. It takes some self-motivating and lots of prayer, but I know in my heart that our baby is in the right place, and so are we. I can't find the words to describe what it feels like, other than to say that it is surreal. It likely will not feel real until we return to India and meet our baby, and that's fine. I'm just so thankful and knowing that so many people are praying for our baby before s/he arrives is just the sweetest thing. I can't wait to tell him or her how much of a village it truly took to bring him/her into the world. And how worth it I know it will be.
There is so much that you don't get to experience and you still remain positive. How?
I just don't think there is any room to feel anything other than gratitude. If I could, would I carry our child? Of course. We didn't get here overnight. This has been a battle we've been fighting for close to five years. I'm so dang thankful to have this opportunity, and that my baby is growing safely and being cared for by a competent, loving team. And I know that we will provide for and give our child more love than even we can possibly imagine once s/he arrives. Until then, we cover baby in prayer and love and know what matters is that baby gets here safely, into our arms. So. unbelievably. thankful.
I wish I could hug you all. Thank you very much for caring about us and our baby, and we ask that you continue to keep our little one and our surrogate, A, in your prayers for a continued smooth, healthy, uneventful pregnancy. Thank you, a million times over!