My mom came to visit! We had a wonderful time shopping, going to the Museum of Modern Art, eating lots of good meals and going to see a taping of Katie! Unfortunately, we hardly took any pictures. Shame on us, Mom! I miss my family so much so it was such a treat to have a little dose of home in form of my mama for a few days in the big apple.
Then, I turned 29.
My hubby deserves earned some major points for this birthday celebration. It started on Saturday. I came home from work {yes, work!} and he had a glass of wine, flowers, and a card with three envelopes waiting for me. He had planned out a treasure hunt and had me open the first card. The first place took us to where I would pick out my birthday present...this alone was very exciting! Once we were there, I opened envelope #2, which took us to the Plaza hotel for cocktail hour. Being in New York, this is something that has been on my "list" of things to do. It did not disappoint and we felt very fancy. :)
Envelope #3 took us to a delicious dinner at one of our favorite restaurants. Way to go, mister!
Sunday was Easter. We went to church in the neighborhood, had brunch, then we headed out for a drive. We did a little shopping at some nearby outlets then came back for a long walk and park trip with the dogs.
Monday was my actual birthday, but it felt like we'd been celebrating for days! The sweet friends from work sent me home early with a cupcake and told me to enjoy my day. So, I did. When TJ got home we headed to Flex Mussels for a fantastic meal of mussels{and truffle fries}, bubbly and doughnuts instead of birthday cake. I was with my love, and had heard through cards, calls, texts, facebook, etc. from all of my family and friends who I couldn't hug in person. It was a great day.
Spring in New York seems to be finally sticking around. Although I'm told May will be really nice. Being a Southern girl, I'm used to the weather turning nice before it has here, but that's okay. I love the proverb "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." It's true. This winter was a long one, for mostly everyone, and it's so nice to see the trees blooming and people coming out of their winter hibernation. I also love this message for life in general, that no matter how long you happen to be in a "winter" season of life, things will eventually start brightening up, blooming and changing for the better.
I thought it was time to update the wreath, too. It looks a little busy right now so I will likely change it up, but I do love the pops of color when coming and leaving the apartment.
I mentioned before about sample sales in New York and how you can pretty much find one or more every day if you wanted. I went to one in the fall and haven't been to one since, but saw that C Wonder was having one and I wanted to check it out. It did not disappoint! A pair of tortoise flats, long sleeve tees, an ipad cover and some home goods and my total was under $100. I love all the bright colors and fun prints!
Other things we've been up to...
A photography class a little while back in Central Park and the MET museum because it was raining so hard we had to go inside. :)
And, we are almost 100% positive that Turks and Caicos will be the place we visit and celebrate our five year anniversary in September! I will be dreaming about that white sand and clear blue water for the next few months!
We also went to see All the Way on Broadway, The Other Woman at the movies, and have been trying new restaurants and seeking out new neighborhoods now that weather is warming up. I promise to take more pictures and not let it be so long between updates!
I hope you have something fun planned this weekend! Thanks so much for stopping by!