I'm down in North Carolina while TJ is away on a big work trip. We decided all would be happier if the dogs and I stayed in NC with family and friends while he's away. This is definitely true, and I'm thankful to spend time with the ones I love down here! I sure do miss him, still.
Bailey loving the car ride
Protein Pancakes: Oh my! I have eaten these twice since I've been here. They are SO good and super easy. The pictures are not the best, as they were taken with my phone, but you'll get the idea. I adapted a recipe from Ambitious Kitchen. I have made the switch to full fat dairy (and prefer organic anyhow) but you could of course substitute egg whites, lowfat or skim milk and lighter cottage cheese if you preferred.
Here's what you'll need:
1/2 cup old fashioned rolled oats
1/2 medium banana
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg (or 2 egg whites)
1/4 cup cottage cheese
1-2 tablespoons milk
optional add-ins:
I chose blueberries this time but treat it as you would any other pancake!
What to Do:
1. Put it all in a blender or food processor and blend until completely smooth.
2. Lightly coat a nonstick griddle or skillet with butter or cooking spray over medium low heat. Drop batter by 1/4 cup onto skillet. Cook until bubbles appear on top. Flip cakes and cook until golden brown. Repeat with the rest of your batter! Makes 3-4 pancakes.
*I doubled the recipe, even though I was making them for myself and enjoyed them as leftovers!*
Easy and Pretty Burlap Wreath: With some extra free time on my hands, I thought I'd channel my inner Martha Stewart and attempt to do something crafty, yet simple. I love the look of a burlap wreath and had been waiting to try making one for myself. I followed Laura's directions at Top This, Top That and her pictures are better than mine! Since we are living in a tiny apartment in NYC, decorating can sometimes be challenging. My thought with this wreath is that I will leave it up year round, and switch up the embellishments to fit the season, holiday or mood I might be in. This satisfies my need to switch things up and my husband's need for me to not collect seasonal decorations every chance I get.
This part looks trickier than it is. Just looping through the top, middle and bottom bars and pushing the fabric together to give it a fluffy, layered look.
the mini chalkboard might be my favorite...
Also, I realize it is not spring yet. Just wishful thinking. :)
Aside from dodging the big snow storm in NY, one of the perks of being in NC is the ability to go to Target all the time . It's no secret that I love nail polish in a big way, so the fact that I've picked up two more since I've been here really should not be a surprise.
left: smokin' hot right: on a silver platter
Words, Friends, Food
a reminder.
I just adore this scarf that happened to also be on sale this week.
One highlight of my week was going to Charlotte for a quick visit. My sweet friend, Danielle and her family, put me up for the night. It was such a treat catching up with her and the other precious neighbors and friends that I saw. I visited school and spent time with my {former} first grade class, which truly was good for my soul. Again, I am wishing I'd been better about taking pictures of it all!
I have been dreaming about this Salmon Niçoise salad for days. I must try to
duplicate at home!
Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope your Friday is fabulous!