My darling girl, happy half birthday!! How has it been half a year since we first saw your precious face? It has happened in a flash, and yet we can hardly remember life before you.
Everyday, your sweet personality shines through more and more. You are our silly goose, and you love to laugh, smile, talk and sing. You've been a busy bee and have had quite an active month! Here's what you've been up to in months 5-6.
You're in size 1 diapers still, and are rocking 0-3 month clothes, though they're getting a little small, finally! You also wear 3-6 month things, we just roll up the sleeves or pant legs as needed. :)
This month we began oatmeal, and you love it! You have no trouble finishing your bowl each day.
You are on the move! You love rolling all around, and that's your preferred method of getting from one place to another. You're also practicing your sitting skills, and are doing great! You can sit independently for a few seconds and love pulling up to stand. Maybe you'll skip crawling and go straight to walking?
You love being worn in the carrier, your Daddy's jokes, being silly, playing peek-a-boo, Itsy Bitsy, being held, playing on your foam mat, rolling everywhere, grabbing anything and then throwing it, putting things in your mouth, taking things from Mommy and Daddy, bath time, playing music in your exersaucer and kick n' play piano, reading books, swinging going for walks in the park, smiling at everyone, playing with other babies, and watching/playing with Bailey and Sadie.
You don't love when Mommy and Daddy leave the room or napping for long stretches. :)
We lovingly call you Emme, Emme Kate, Squish, Silly Goose, DJ E (when you play us songs).
This month we celebrated your first St.Patrick's Day, a trip to Vermont, Daddy's birthday and Daddy ran his second half marathon. I take pictures of you all day long. I just don't want to miss a moment!
Here are a bunch of snapshots of our month:
Patrick and his girlfriends in Vermont!
Visiting your great grandpa Ray and grandma Wanda while in Vermont
You're a very happy baby, and we are happier than we ever thought possible. You have us wrapped around your chubby little fingers and you make life so much fun. We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby!
Love You,