Dear Emmerson,
You are four months, my darling girl! This has been a really fun month. You're growing and thriving and changing everyday. Here's a look at what you've been up to from month 3-4.
This month, you are so smiley and love to laugh! (Just not for your monthly pictures!) Now that Daddy and I can make you laugh regularly, we try to do it all day long. It's the sweetest sound in the world.
You are still in 0-3 month clothes, and size 1 diapers. You are our little peanut weighing in around 11 pounds and 23 inches long at your four month appointment.
You're doing much better with tummy time! You have great head control and don't cry (as much) when on the mat.
You have become very interactive, and love grabbing your toys, putting them in your mouth and watching the world around you. You've also started to notice your pups more, which is very cute. It's as if you're trying to size them up, saying, who are these furry humans we've got running around here?
Daddy and his girl! My heart can hardly handle the sweetness in this picture.
Our little squish!
You were pretty intrigued by all this snow business.
Every day is the very best day with you, my darling. I love watching you grow and thrive and seeing your sweet little personality come out is amazing. There are no words to describe how much we love you, but we try to show you every single day! You're the most precious thing that's ever happened to us.
We love you, we love you, we love you so, dear baby!